Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Kraken Con Fall 2014 Coverage

This was a very fun event being my first time at Kraken Con. I wasn't sure what to expect as the event seems more geared towards anime and cartoons. There was a comic presence, but not as much I thought there would be. This is where having an interest in everything really made for a productive day. It seemed 50/50 in terms of artist alley and vendor space in the exhibit hall. Maid cafe and gaming area also had their own space in the spacious hall. Very good variety that catered to attendees.

Exhibit Hall

There was a huge cosplay turnout. Like the exhibit hall, a very wide variety of characters. I had a great time taking pictures. My complete cosplay photo set can be seen on Flickr and Facebook. It certainly turned out to be my most colorful album out of the events I've been to over the years.

I'm definitely looking forward to the next Kraken Con. The Spring 2015 event doesn't have a date locked in yet, but I will definitely be there. Hopefully exhibit hall space can be expanded to have more artists and vendors. Attendance was up 60% from the previous Kraken Con, so it's pretty obvious the bay area is hungry for these kinds of conventions.