Friday, March 17, 2017

Cosplay Feature | Big Trent

Meet Big Trent

Big Trent is someone we have known for a long time in the cosplay world. He is most recognized for his Batman and Power Rangers cosplays, plus he is practically at every convention in the Sacramento area. We decided to ask him a few questions so folks can learn a little bit more about the cosplayer wearing Batman's cowl.

How did you get acquainted with cosplay, and what inspired you to start cosplaying?
My interest in cosplay really began with the 20th anniversary of Power Rangers back in 2012 that really reinvigorated my love for the franchise and resparked my childhood dream of becoming the Red Mighty Morphin Power Ranger.

Of all of your cosplays that you have done, is there one you are extra proud suiting up as?
As much as I love my ranger suits and being a Power Ranger, I am most proud to be Batman.  Not only do people not mind that I am a black Batman, people seem to celebrate and respect it.  Always warms my heart to hear people enjoy it.

Why did your Batman cosplay disappear for a while?
Batman had to take a break for a while because SacAnime was the only con I was able to attend during that time period and I really wanted to try out cosplaying as Luke Cage which I would need my goatee for on the final day of the con.


Have a particular Batman actor that stands out to you the most? Are they also your favorite Bruce Wayne?
First and foremost, Kevin Conroy's take as Batman and Bruce Wayne will always remain iconic and number 1 in my book.  But for live action, I was really inspired by Ben Affleck's take as Wayne and Batman who's already been through a whole career as Batman and now has to deal with forces beyond just street criminals and lunatics on to gods and monsters.

You must be excited for the upcoming live-action Power Rangers movie coming out this month?
I am very excited for the 2017 Power Ranger Movie!  This franchise has been near and dear to my heart for the last 24 years and I'm happy that Hollywood still see's value with it for the casual audiences.  Can't wait to see a new take on the original MMPR story.

There have been many series of Power Rangers through the years. Which suit captured your interest the most? 
Definately the Gold Zeo Ranger suit is my favorite suit.  Incredibly uncomfortable to wear, but man it looks so dope!

Blue | Red | Gold

Is there a Power Rangers suit you would like to wear, but isn’t as available anywhere or requires you to make it yourself?
If I could I would get the new 2017 Red Ranger movie suit.  I've seen some people make an entire suit but they don't look quite as good.  Some people have perfected the helmets though.  Maybe in time suit makers will perfect the look of their own replicas.

We saw you debut your new Luke Cage cosplay this year. What made you want to cosplay him?
My reasons for wanting to cosplay Luke Cage were simple.  Because the cosplay was simple basically.  And I had never cosplayed fully as a Marvel character up to that point.  All I had to do was wear the right hoodie, grow a goatee and shave my head completely bald.  Also did it because I loved his series on Netflix!

Luke Cage

Any new cosplay plans coming up that you can share?
Eventually I want to cosplay as Cyborg and as the White Dino Thunder and Blue Ninja Steel Rangers.

What events will you for sure be at this year?
I will be at Wondercon at the end of March, basically all the Sacramento conventions, Silicon Valley Comic Con, and Fanime.

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See more Big Trent | Facebook & Instagram

His precious :D