It's hard to compare SVCC to other conventions since it caters to so many mediums. This is a convention that needs to be experienced firsthand. The San Jose convention center serves as a great venue for what SVCC offers. My all-time favorite local event, Big Wow Comicfest, used to call this venue home (kind of wish they come back soon), so the place was familiar ground beforehand. Weather last year was nice, making it enjoyable to take pictures of cosplayers just outside the convention center.
The second round of SVCC should be a fun one. They are bringing out amazing guests throughout the 3-day weekend event. There are so many to list, but for celebrities we're looking forward to seeing Buzz Aldrin, Grant Gustin, John Cusack, and Steven Yeun. There is also a handful of science & tech guests that we would enjoy talking with. Can't forget about the many artists and writers that SVCC will have in the exhibitor hall as well. The amount of guests and programming should be enough for all attendees to stay busy during the weekend. We haven't even considered how much time could spent just shopping around the exhibitor hall.
We don't have any interviews set in stone yet, but our hope is to bring coverage that will extend beyond our usual event content. This is one of those events that will keep us busy beginning to end, so we're going to have a lot to share afterwards. Our coverage from last year can be read here, and also checkout the photo gallery on Facebook.
Tickets to attend are currently available, plus tickets for celebrity autographs and photos ops are also up for purchase. All tickets and celebrity-related tickets can be bought all at once, but you can also buy tickets one by one if you need to space out purchases before SVCC weekend arrives. We hope to see many familiar faces at this event, especially since we'll be running around the area the whole time. :)