Thursday, September 18, 2014

Last Action Hero & The Legend of Billie Jean Blu-ray

It took me a few weeks to get around to these titles. I honestly forgot about their release back in July. They eventually made their way to me, so here they are. Both of them are currently $5.19 each on Amazon, which is pretty darn reasonable. Last Action Hero is a childhood favorite of mine. I dive a bit into it in the video below.

The Legend of Billie Jean celebrates it's first time on Blu-Ray. It's 30th anniversary is next year, but this release is probably the closest we'll get as a celebration. I recently watched this beginning to end for the first time ever. Enjoyed it throughout. It definitely helps with a Pat Benatar's "Invincible" playing in some parts.

You get what you pay for aside from the feature films. In Billie Jean terms -- fair is fair. Neither have subtitles. Bottom of the barrel audio. The video isn't so bad, but we certainly can't expect fancy transfers from Mill Creek. These are great additions in my slowly growing 80s/90s library.