Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Budweiser Clydesdales Visit Fairfield Brewery

The amazing Budweiser Clydesdales return for a visit at the local Budweiser brewery. It's a busy few days, especially on camera day. The horses actually have a schedule during their 12-day visit -- first 6 days are individual horse / stable viewing, following 2 days are camera days, and hitch parades for the remaining 4 days. 

Camera day on Tuesday had heavy traffic before the actual event started at 2pm. People could line up to take pictures with one of two Clydesdales (you could meet both individually). The other horses could be seen in their stables, which was near the picture location. It's a really nice layout, and the line to take pictures moved at a fast pace. Visiting the other horses in their stables didn't have any wait time. If you came with a group, you could take turns checking out the stables as long as someone stayed in line for pictures.

Making the day even better was the warm weather, which has been the usual for February so far. I wore a t-shirt, and never felt like I need a jacket while waiting to meet the horses. Getting up close to a Budweiser Clydesdale is super awesome. They're ridiculously tall, which is one of the criteria to be part of a hitch. Ah, they are beautiful.

The visit during Super Bowl weekend is nice, and it probably generated slightly more traffic. I noticed quite a few Broncos fans visiting. That was pretty cool to see since I rooted for them to win this year. I will be looking forward to their return next time. They are always a joy to see. :)