Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Overwatch | Year of the Rooster Overview

Love the spawn room for Capture the Rooster.

The latest Overwatch event has arrived, and we are absolutely in love with it. Once Overwatch posted on Facebook that the update was available, we fired up the PS4 to update and started exploring the Hero Gallery for all the new items. Year of the Rooster kind of sneaked up on is after the gameplay binge for Winter Wonderland.

Beautiful character skins are available, especially an overload of legendary skins that can be bought for 3,000 in-game coins. Our favorite skins this event go to Mei, Junkrat, Bastion, Tracer, Zenyatta and Mercy. However, all the skins look, at minimum, great to us. To us, it's the most solid set of event skins that have offered so far.

Voice lines are pretty neat for Year of the Rooster. Our favorites go to Junkrat's "Gong Xi Fa Cai" and Mei's "Wishing Prosperity" which is ultimately the same phrase. "Every rooster crows in it's own pen" from Zenyatta continues the philosophical ridiculousness loaded into the character's voice line library.

This will look extra awesome when equipped with Tracer's Year of the Rooster skin.

Tracer has a really awesome "Lion Dance" highlight intro that involves a dragon puppet. Another noteworthy highlight intro is "Feast" for Roadhog, which is basically him passed out from eating. These might be something we buy early since we have a load of coins to spend, plus these are characters we commonly get Play of the Game with. We'll probably play it safe by not spending any coins until the final day. It really won't feel good to spend 3,000 coins on a legendary skin early, and come across it as a duplicate before the event concludes.

Sprays for Capture the Rooster are quite easier to acquire compared to Mei's Snowball Offensive. All you have to do is return a flag to get one. The other spray is for winning a match 3-0. We acquired both in our first two games, so it was nice to get those items done with. The game mode is really enjoyable so far. It can be fun for people that want to capture the flag, but be just as fun for those that want to defend the flag. One little gripe could be the fact players can't wiggle around the flag while it captures.

It's nice to see Blizzard make items for such a beautiful event that happens each year. We can't wait to see what event they bring next (apparently a little something for Valentine's Day?). Hours played for Overwatch on our account are about to skyrocket once again. 4 loot boxes in, and we've pretty much only scored sprays and play icons. No skins yet. Our most valuable Year of the Rooster item is the "So Excited" Mei emote.

Super awesome and affordable! :)

We also like the added ability to have multiple voice lines, emotes, and sprays. However, placing a spray seems a bit more challenging than before. Jumping up and placing a spray on the ceiling used to be fun, but it doesn't seem to be something easily achieved anymore.